At the time who could have thought that I would be simultaneously attending my first HFStival in almost 10 years and the LAST one EVER?
Walked away with only a scratch on the arm and a minor headache. Damn, and I thought my car was a piece of shit before the accident. My car was literally propelled forward 75 meters from a stationary position. My insurance rep said that in 17 years of doing claims, mine was the worst accident she had ever seen where one person walked away completely unharmed. ME, bitches!!!
Pandamania Bar Crawl
Worst weekend of my life! We ended the night in a FUCKING honest to God crackhouse! WTF?!?! Naturally, I didn't take pictures at that house for fear of getting killed...
I am fully aware that the device was removed in December of '04 and not the summer. However, I feel that the photos from this momentous occasion should be placed in this gallery since it is only within the context of these other pictures that the true significance of this event can be grasped. And while I did feel a sense of sorrow seeing it removed I only have to look to the future to return a smile to my face since I know its an inevitability that he will soon get a 4th DUI and thus have it reinstalled while in California.