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Summer of 04

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Mile High Contest


"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy course; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat." 


Graduated Beeyotches!! Time to get stoned like a Saudi whore!! Well, not really since I don't smoke but I do intend to celebrate. I will be soon leaving for the Navy and since I aim to be a Commanding Officer one day that very well may be my career. But who knows? I still have not ruled out the possibility of pursuing the CIA or DoD.

Until then I plan on having the best time of my life. I intend to read a shit load of academic books that I put off while in college since they never fit within my course load, work out constantly and write down a collection of my thoughts and philosophies on life. I am interested to see how the Navy will reorient my outlook on things. I know I am a VERY different person than I was before I attended college. Gone is the naive idealist of yesteryear. The truth as I see it is that idealism is a good principle if restrained by caution but realism is much better if guided by morality. So today my life is governed by rationality and strategic considerations in virtually all my pursuits of consequence. But even that perspective has changed in the last couple years since I have abandoned my short term flirtations with logical positivism, although I still believe the philosophy holds a great deal of merit. 

Anyway, I will try to keep this site updated as much as time permits when I finally leave. Until then, kon ni chi wa (sp?), bitches!



My personal idol and role model

Homer J. Simpson is unquestionably the greatest character in literary and television history. This is not just my opinion, but is also the conclusion reached from countless empirical studies that have quantifiably shown Homer to be a greater character than anything Shakespeare could have dreamt up. After all, is not Homer Simpson the classical Tragic Hero?

Operating through his own devices he alternates between passively disengaging and actively raging against the tyranny and oppression of a mad world, seeking comfort in that which can be known, understood, and simplified (i.e. food, sleep, tv, Marge, beer). Only, in such a chaotic and increasingly interconnected world fraught with paradoxes, there exists no place for a simple man seeking to assert his own being. He is told when to rise, when to sleep, when to eat, only to rebel by abandoning all conventional norms and falling victim to his own sloth. However, as it is for all Tragic Heroes, Homer can not be blamed for his actions alone. It was fate that damned him to an eternity of failure. It was fate that forced obesity and ignorance upon him. And it will be fate that blesses us with endless re-runs.

(Damn, I should have been an english major and then I could have made this my senior thesis)



The Mile High Contest has been regrettably canceled 

7/08/03 - site made available for viewing.

11/1/04 - some of the California and Halloween pictures are available in Misc Pictures. Family Pictures is also updated.

1/25/05 - Breathalyzer pictures updated in Summer of 04



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